Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

p.s I'm still not over you

Rihanna-P.S I'm still not over you

[verse 1]
Whats up?
I know we haven't spoken for a while
But I was thinkin bout you
And it kinda made me smile
So many things to say
And I'll put em in a letter
Thought it might be easier
The words might come out better
How's your mother, how's your little brother?
Does he still look just like you?
So many things I wanna know the answers to
Wish I could press rewind
And rewrite every line
To the story of me and you

Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
Still not over you

[verse 2]
Excuse me, I really didn't mean to ramble on
But there's a lot of feelings that remain since you've been gone
I guess you thought that I would put it all behind me
But it seems there's always somethin right there to remind me
Like a silly joke, or somethin on the t.v.
Boy it aint easy
When I hear our song
I get that same old feeling
Wish I could press rewind
Turn back the hands of time
And I shouldn't be telling you

Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
Still not over you

Did you know I kept all of your pictures
Don't have the strength to part with them yet
Oh no....
Tried to erase the way your kisses taste
But some things a girl can never forget

Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
Still not over you


Hi folks, it's me. I would like to tell ya about my feeling now

actually, I made this post on Nov, 29th. but I haven't post it yet

It's kinda pathetic to realize that my relationship w/ Andhika is totally OVER. to be honest, I never dream about things will turn up this way. my heart was so broken. but what else can I do? my mom didn't like him, do we have to separated. pathetic, ryt?
the one thing I really care about is him. I dunno what happened to him when I leave him alone. and I dunno what'll happen if he start to leaves me. and each time goes by, I know it'll happen soon. and now? it's began
Andhika leaves me, he act like he don't know me at all. if he really know we, he'll never do this things. it makes me so depressed. surely, I never imagine to live without him. but I have to. I know it's for the best, but why am I in tears? he always push me away, he always tell me that I have to move on and leave all behind. but I can't do it, not now
now, he start to ignoring me. everyone say that he still in love w/ me. but I can't face his carelessness, cruelness and his ignorance. my life was so terrible because of that. I'm not as strong as you think. I can't admit the reality. I can't walk w/ my head up. I can't stop to call you, text you, even think of you. boy you're wrote on my brain premanently. you should know that
I'm lost without you. I can't face their question about us. it always makes me wanna cry. I always hope, if I cry on my night you'll appear and tell me that I have to stop to cry. but it'll never happen. cause there's a huge, high, and big wall that stand between us.
hey boy, do you remember about our promises? we promised that we'll never leave each other, and will always be together. but we broke it. you said you'll stay w/ me forever, but you don't. I know, I know it's for the best, but I just can't understand. why must us? why should be like this? it hurts too much.
I'll try to understand. but, one thing you should know that I love you so much


Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009


hello blogers, maaf ya postingan terakhir gue sangat engga jelas

ya karena gua ga ada ide buat mosting lalu Andhika bilang "yaudah kamu mosting tentang aku aja" yaudah jadinya begitu hehe

btw, gua lagi bingung nih buat nge-read more blog. udah nyoba but gabisa-bisa
terpaksa gua harus ngotak-atik lebih lama -_______-
eh iya senin besok gua ulangan akhir semester loh!
ga nyangka deh cepet banget waktu jalannya, padahal 2 bulan lalu gue masih tengah semester eeh sekarang udah akhir semester aja

hhh, kaya hubungan gua sama Andhika
2 bulan yang lalu masih ga ada apa-apa tapi ternnyata harus selese sampe disini
but, we never ask for this. we just have to seperate because of something that stuck between us
yeah, my mom. she's the problem

udah ah gausah di ungkit ya *siapa juga yang duluan ngungkit*

karena senin besok gue udah UAS, mungkin bakal berenti bentar buat ngotak ngatik ini blog
so don't miss me ya hahahaha-_-"

yaudah ah I wanna study science
so, good bye and good night :)

w/ love,
Selma Halida

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

my beloved 090909

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyow maaf ya udah lama ga posting abisnya males sih hahaha

eh eh eh eh, i have a new boyfriend, well actually he's my husband hahahaha
his name is Andhika Dwinanda Djuli

and i love him soooooooooooooooo damn much
more than i can tell deh ya
wish us last forever yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :)



Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

assalamualaikum :)

halo semuanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
maaaaf ya ini udah lama banget engga mosting abisan sempet lupa sama passnya hihihi

apa kabaar? semoga baik-baik saja ya (apadah guaaa)
well, gue bingung mau cerita apa tapi ya gue mau mengumumkan bahwaaaaa

'gue udah kelas 9 loh kawan'
gue masuk kelas 9-6 yang katanya unggulan ke-2 gitchu deh
terus hari ini gue abis selese Uji Blok, jadi Uji Blok itu buat placement kita lagi
tiap 2 bulan di adain tes blok gitu buat nempatin kelas -.-

di kelas 9 pada banyak yang baru loooh
1. gue potong rambut (pamer)
2. Ayu make behel dan softlens
3. Reisa juga pake behel
4. Ririn juga pake behel (Ririn di 9-1 huhu)

pokoknya makin cantik deh semuanya (pede) haha

gue bingung sebenernya mau ngomongin apa
mending gue promosiin account social network gue aja deh ya haha
plurk :
twitter :

harap di add yaa kawan kalo udah saya mengucapkan terimakasih haha :))

last but not least,
i wanna say to all 'Happy Fasting guys!'
sorry for all my mistakes yaaaa :D

okedeh segini aja nanti kalo udah ada ide saya akan mosting lagi :D
assalamualaikum :)

Rabu, 18 Februari 2009

di rumah Dita

Hello all
Miss you so much much my blog hehe
Maaf udah lama nggak posting , yaa di karenakan virus ‘M’
Malas merajalela hehe
Apalagi emang gue lagi sibuk dengan tugas-tugas sekolah yang tiada henti

Oh oke gue mau cerita
Jadi kan tanggal 16 Feb kemaren, gue ke rumah Dita
Gue ke sana sama Dhira, Ajeng sama Syaluh
Pertama kita jajan ke depan sekolah MIN
Terus ke rumah Dita ngobrol-ngobrol gitu lah

Nggak lama Eyang-nya Dita, a.k.a Eyang Retno dateng nyamperin ke depan teras
Setelah basa-basi gitu tiba-tiba Dhira ngomong
Dhira : yang, kenal sama Muhammad Ammar Kanz nggak? *mihihihihiahaha
Eyang : oooh si Ammar , iya Eyang kenal kenapa dia?
Dhira : ini nih yang si Selma kan pacarnya huahahaha
Eyang : ha?! Kok kamu mau sama Ammar? Yaampun si Ammar
Selma : NGGAK Eyang! Aku tuh udah putus Eyaaaaaaaaaaaaang
Eyang : putus? Kenapa toh? Baguslah daripada kamu pacaran sama orang kayak begitu
Dhira : emang Ammar kenapa yang?
Eyang : dia tuh dekil , kumel ih pokoknya jorok banget deh. Mukanya melas kalo kata orang mah
Semua : hahahahahahhahahauahauahauhauhauah (kecuali gue yang Cuma bisa nyengir)
Ajeng : terus dhir terus terus demen banget gue ngeliat Selma begono hahaha
Selma : sialan lu jeng ! ahh
Syaluh : kok Eyang bisa kenal sama Ammar ?
Eyang : iya waktu itu dia kesini sama temen-temennya belajar bareng sama Eyang. Kan Eyang guru Fisika.
Selma : oooh terus?
Eyang : iya jadi dia curhat sama Eyang. Udah sohiban deh sama Eyang (wetsaaah mantap banget
yah aha) Eyang tuh kasian sama dia mukanya itu loh ih. Kok ada yang mau sama dia?
Dhira : tuh si Selma juga masih mau kali yang sampe sekarang
Selma : iiih apaan nggak Eyang! Aku udah gaksuka sama dia ihhh
Eyang : alaah? Yakin kamu? Nanti gitu-gitu orangnya lewat kamu suka lagi haha
Semua : hauhauhaha mampus lo sel
Selma : aaaaaaaah nggak Eyang nggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa udah mantan pokoknya !
Eyang : heh, nggak ada yang namanya mantan. Kalo udah mantan itu berarti kamu udah di
apa-apain sama dia. Udah belom kamu?
Selma : belom yang
Dita : ah elah si Ammar kan gitu yang kebanyakan mantan
Eyang : heh jangan gitu kamu kalo di gituin sakit nggak?
Dita : ya tapikan aku Cuma pernah sama Awwaaab sama Fathur sekarang yang
Eyang : ya tapi tetep aja
Dhira : yang aku mau ke depan bentar ya yang aku mau beli sikat gigi ehhe
Eyang : iya hati-hati jangan ngebut ya
Dhira : iya yang. Cerita terus tentang Ammar ya ampe aku balik ahahahah
Eyang : PASTI! Haha
Dhira : waw Eyang gahhhhoooooooool haha
Eyang : iya dong gahol haha

Terus si Dhira sama Syaluh pergi dah naek motor
Dan bener selama dia pergi tuh ya Eyang tetep terus ngoceeeeeeeeeh tentang Ammar
Bikin gue jadi –nyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees- hahaha
Yaaa walaupun udah gak ada perasaaan apa-apa tapikan tapikaaaan

Yaa pokoknya begitu deh lah kunjungan gue ke rumah Dita

Pas tanggal 17-nya lo tau gaaaa?
Gue ketemu AMMAR!
Ya ! AMMAR! KETEMU!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah GILA baru kemaren Eyan Retno cerita tentang dia eeeh udah ketemu ck
Udah gitu dia SOMBONG GILA masa buang muka waktu negliat gue

Yasudahlah forget it

Udah ya capek ,
Byeeeeeeee all

-selmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa seldoooooooooooy-

Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

award dari Renaakyuu hihi

asik asik asik asik

aku dapet butterfly award dooooooooooooooooooooooooooong


dapet dari Renakuu makasih banget ya sayangkuh

These are the rules:
1. Put the award logo on your blog
2. Add the link of the person who gave this award
3. Nominate another seven
4. Leave message to the nominees

aku mau kasih ini keee :

udah itu aja deh
Congrat! :)